I was born in Karlsruhe in 1955. I am married and have a daughter and a son. My professional career includes the following positions:
- Tax accountant
- Family management
- Office management and Member of the Board of a Training and Education Institute
- Consultant, trainer and lecturer in Health Care Courses and institutions
I had the following formal education and professional training:
- Tax accountant
- Certified adult educator
- NLP- Master and trainer
- Certified Trainer for Jeux Dramatiques
- Authorized Fair-Streit-Trainer with Karlheinz Moosig (Authorized fair conflict settlement trainer based on the theories of George Bach and others)
- Systemic integrative health coaching und stress management
- Trainings in transactional analysis, systemic therapy, body therapy and meditation techniques
I work all over Germany in different industries and branches. However, my special focus is on health care institutions (hospitals, care units and nursing homes).